Shqiptarët dhe aftësia e të mësuarit gjuhë të ndryshme.
Te Fundit Shqiptarët dhe aftësia e të mësuarit gjuhë të ndryshme Nga Fatjona R. Lubonja Ed.D – Shqiptarët ndër vite kanë praktikuar një...

Autizmi, ende një rrugëtim i gjatë për tu kuptuar.
Nga Dr. Fatjona R. Lubonja Bazuar në statistikat, megjithëse të pakëta, në Shqiperi numri i fëmijëve që vuajnë nga aftësitë e kufizuara...

Rrugëtimi i një puthje. Truri dhe misteri i një puthje.
Nga Dr. Fatjona R. Lubonja Ed.D “Një puthje” është përshkruar në mënyrën më romantike nga regjizori i shquar Italian, Giuseppe Tornatore...

The Mind's Face. The Mystery of the Brain.
How would we recognize our own face if the mirrors were never invented? That was all she thought when the lights went out and the dark...

A Point of View: The World of Dyslexia
The city loved to flirt with the night, letting her go slowly. Nothing was in the rush, even the sunrise. The cable stones would reflect...

Bird's Eye Vision
The Brain While Looking at the Rain. That day she saw the rain as she had never seen before. For years she had seen the rain falling flat...

Freckled Moments
Her thoughts were freckled every time she visited that city. It began with the heat of the day that tired even the dust around and it...

Angel's V Day
Love was older that the cobble stones paved in that city. He felt that by endlessly looking at her walking delicately as if she was...

Multilingual Seduction
The Aesthetic of Language.She served languages for dinner, mixing up with a cocktail of sounds and words. Evenings with friends wasn’t...

The Phonetic of "Love"
Understanding Aphasia. Love / ‘l∨∧/ “Love” was the word he didn’t say. It was left behind with other residues of young age genuine...